History & History

History of the classic car museum in Kaprun

About the collector and the collection

Helmuth Vötter lived through a modest childhood. The father had fallen in the war, and together with his mother, he lived in a one-room apartment on a farm. As soon as Helmuth was old enough, he had to work on a farm to contribute his share. The pay was ‘room and board’ – meals for both of them.

The hardworking young man developed a great enthusiasm for motorization early on. As a teenager, he collected engines from scrap dealers in his spare time, disassembled them, and built roadworthy vehicles from them. His big dream was to own a BMW Isetta one day – but for a long time, he believed he could never afford this small car.

It was with this very Isetta that his passion for collecting historic vehicles began about 30 years ago. Helmuth acquired the vehicle in poor condition and restored it with great patience and attention to detail over countless hours. This laid the foundation for today’s vehicle museum. In the following years, he bought more and more vehicles, often for little money, and breathed new life into them in his own workshop.

Even after his death in May 2024, his legacy lives on in our vehicle museum. With his passion and tireless commitment, Helmuth Vötter created a place where the history of motorization is preserved – a legacy that we proudly and gratefully continue in his spirit.

Sportkristall Vötter

Helmut Vötter

Often ridiculed, yet never discouraged. His goal of preserving a piece of vehicle history for future generations has come true. Today, his vehicle museum is open to anyone interested.

We look forward to your visit – preferably during your vacation. Request a quote now!

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Familie Vötter Schloßstraße 32 5710 Kaprun

+43 6547 71340 Whatsapp hotel@sport-kristall.at

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